With a shred speed of 30 feet per minute and a shred volume of 37 gallons, the DestroyIt 3105 is an ideal central office shredder. The automatic oil injection (included) ensures optimal performance at all times. All the features you expect from DestroyIt are here: Photo cell controlled auto start and stop, auto sleep mode after 30 minutes of inactivity, quiet, powerful single phase motor rated for continuous operation. The hardened steel cutting shaft handles paper clips, staples, credit cards and even CDs and DVDs. A sturdy chain drive with fully enclosed gear box housing. And the removable bin with reusable bag, doesn't require disposable shredder bags. Available in P-4 and P-5 security levels.
The Cross cut model security level P-4 has 4 x 40mm shred (3/16" x 1-1/2") with 37-39 sheet shred capacity.
The Cross cut model security Level P-5 has 2 x 15mm shred (3/32" x 5/8") with 24-26 sheet shred capacity.
• Limited lifetime warranty on cutting shafts and wheels
• 3-year limited warranty on all other parts excluding wearables
• 90-day limited warranty on labor or exchange at manufacturer's discretion